The Basics

Articles on basic care and considerations for new or prospective owners.

Vet/Health Care

Articles pertaining to health, nutrition, and veterinary care.

Breeding and Development

Articles and pictures about hedgehog breeding, growth, and development.

Advanced Care Issues

Articles for people who already own a hedgehog or want to know more than just the basics.


Learn more about hedgehog colors!

Purchase a Hedgehog

Wondering where to buy a hedgehog? Start here!


Where to purchase hedgehog supplies and collectibles.

Our Herd

Meet the hedgehogs of Hedgehog Valley!

Other Critters

Meet the other critters that call or have called Hedgehog Valley their home!


The hedgebag was innovated at Hedgehog Valley in 1995, under the direction of Nanny Ogg, Hedgehog Valley's first hedgehog. Nanny was, at first, a free ranging hedgehog and loved to hide in the laundry pile. We figured this was her way of telling us she wanted something soft and warm to snuggle in, thus the hedgebag was born. 

The hedgebag is a sort of "sleeping bag" for hedgehogs, and we make them out of tightly woven cotton, flannel, or cotton blend fabrics. We do not use polar fleece because we have found that bedding materials stick to these fabrics really badly, creating quite a mess.  We have also seen where hedgehogs dug at fleece, causing threads to come out. These threads wrapped around the hedgehog's leg and constricted it, requiring the hedgie to be under anesthesia to remove the fleece. If undetected, this can cause a loss of circulation that can cause a hedgie to lose a limb.

Our hedgebags have all finished edges so that there are no loose strings to wrap around little hedgefeet.  Hedgebags are also useful for when you want to carry hedgie around but hedgie is in a busy mood, or you're worried because you just woke hedgie up and you don't want your clothes to be hedgie's outhouse. Our hedgebags are machine washable and durable- we have some that are over 10 years old and still in use!

The cotton we use on our hedgebags breathes enough to be cool in the summer, but helps hold in body heat and keep the hedgie warm in the winter. We think these are great and we bet your hedgie will, too! 

When ordering, be sure to include a note letting us know whether your hedgie is male or female, and what your 3 favorite colors are so we can be sure to pick a bag that we think you and your hedgie will both like best! 

$7.50 each, or 5 for $35 including shipping! Please contact us to order

Antigone Means

Iola, KS

contact us

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This page last updated by Tig on 12/08/2023