The Basics

Articles on basic care and considerations for new or prospective owners.

Vet/Health Care

Articles pertaining to health, nutrition, and veterinary care.

Breeding and Development

Articles and pictures about hedgehog breeding, growth, and development.

Advanced Care Issues

Articles for people who already own a hedgehog or want to know more than just the basics.


Learn more about  hedgehog colors!

Purchase a Hedgehog

Wondering where to buy a hedgehog? Start here!


Where to purchase hedgehog supplies and collectibles.

Our Herd

Meet the hedgehogs of Hedgehog Valley!

Other Critters

Meet the other critters that call or have called Hedgehog Valley their home!

Five Steps to Helping a Rescue Hedgehog

Hedgehogs are special animals that are not the right pet for everyone. Once people learn that you are truly attached to your prickly pal, do not be surprised if one day someone somewhere calls you up, or you get an email, or you learn of a hedgehog who needs to find a new home NOW.

You may be feeling inexperienced or unprepared, but remember that  you have learned a lot from your first hedgehog. You will be able to rise to the challenge! Here are some suggestions to help:

 1) Quarantine the new hedgehog: Even hedgehogs that appear healthy can turn out to have problems like mites, ringworm, or internal parasites. Keeping the hedgehog away from your other pets for 30 days reduces the chances that your other pets will get an infection or infestation from the new arrival.

If you do not have space to quarantine in a separate room, separate the new hedgehog from your other pets by as much space as possible. If you let them out to play in the same areas, be sure to disinfect in  between. And of course, wash your hands frequently.

 2) Give the hedgehog a health check. If the hedgehog is too scared to unball, try giving it a bath. Most hedgehogs will relax their quills and cooperate better if they are gently bathed. Look for injuries, lumps, bumps, crustiness, quill loss, or anything else that might suggest problems. Monitor stool frequency, color, and consistency for signs of possible problems. Schedule a visit with the vet if you have any concerns.

 3) Talk quietly and soothingly to the new arrival: Spend quiet time together, no matter how upset hedgie is, and talk sweetly. I like to sit with a new hedgehog in my lap, under a blanket or in a hedgebag. This helps the hedgehog to feel safe and to associate my scent with the feeling of security.

 4) Be prepared for babies: If the hedgehog is female and has had any exposure to a male, pregnancy is possible. House her alone and keep her cage very clean. Make sure she has a nesting place to hide. Hedgehog gestation is typically 35 to 40 days so if she has not had babies within a month and a half after arrival she is not pregnant.

5) Have a list of contacts for extra help. Get to know other hedgehog enthusiasts, especially those with some experience. You can always contact us and we are happy to help!

Antigone Means

Iola, KS

contact us

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This page last updated by Tig on  11/13/18